Rebranding one business is a challenge; rebranding three into a unified family is part-science, part-art. Matta approached Not Another™ with the goal to build a new comprehensive parent brand that unified its disjointed divisions: Play Matta, Fitness Matta, and Work Matta. These three brands needed to be brought together under the Matta brand both in their positioning and in their visual identities, before three seperate websites were merged into one. Not Another™ started with in-depth client research through surveys, developed a clear brand positioning, before crafting a cohesive visual system for the family of brands. Then, we translated that into a hardworking website which we designed and built on Webflow.

"Using a blend of creativity, process and technical skills to boot, Not Another got to the bottom of our story and business, and delivered a brand and website that simply communicates it all. If you want an agency that “gets” your business and what you’re trying to accomplish, we’d highly recommend Not Another."